Thursday, October 15, 2009

Get on the Electronic Cigarette Bandwagon for Better Health and Beat the Smoking Bans Everywhere!

I have to admit that it's not very often that I get so excited by a new product that I decide to tell everyone I come across about it until they agree to try it just so I'll shut up--and I can be very persuasive when I am passionate about something!

But the new electronic cigarettes should have smokers, smokers family members and friends, and yes, even their employers and doctors jumping for joy. Why, you ask? Because now smokers have a smokeless, tarless and carcinogen-free way of getting their nicotine punch, while still enjoying all the tactile pleasures of smoking a real cigarette, and they can get that punch anywhere--on an airplane, at work, in a restaurant, at the movies, around small children--well, you get the point!--because electronic cigarettes emit only an odorless vapor containing no harmful chemicals.

This is the first post in a series in which I will bring you all the latest news on electronic cigarettes and act as a proponent for what I see as one of the most revolutionary, visionary and health-beneficial products to come on the open market in a long time.

Just below this post are the latest youtube video posts on electronic cigarettes, as well as a newsfeed with all the latest news on e-cigs.  Check both features out and come back often!

Stay tuned and stay well!